Credit Card

Bank Card Services

Why do businesses need bank card services?

Well, simply because we want to bring more to our clients and customers.

After all, we are here to make sure that whatever they need—we are able to deliver.

Here’s a fact: Businesses survive because they bring people all the things they need.

… they make sure their clients and customers are happy.

… they’ll make use of the proper strategies to ensure that their business operations are able to cater to the needs and wants of their clients.

… they spend a lot of time, money and effort to improve customer satisfaction.

Incidentally, that’s where bank card services can come into good use.

Bankcard services are here to make your business better—and your services even more impressive.

Do you accept payments from your customers and clients?

Of course you do. After all, how would you earn profits, right?

However, do you accept credit and debit card payments?


In that case, it’s high-time you do. Otherwise, you’ll only get left behind.

Provide bank card services, to ensure that your customers get the COMPLETE services they truly want and need.

Bank cards are actually designed to make purchasing easier and more convenient. With the use of these cards, you’ll be able to buy whatever item you want.

In some instances, bank cards can be used to enjoy certain privileges and perks—depending on the bank you got it from.

In effect, when you are able to accept and transact with bank cards, you get to provide more options to people. And of course, the more options you are able to offer—the better for you and your business.

“Cash only” transactions are good—but they limit the potential profits that you can actually earn for your business.

Yes—getting paid in cash is always good. After all, it takes away complicated procedures and other related tasks.

However, fact of the matter is: More than many people out there are now using credit and debit cards for making purchases.

So, should we just stick with the old-school “cash-only” policy for payments?

Or should we start accepting credit and debit card payments?

Business-wise, the latter choice would be the better option.

Remember that business is about grabbing every opportunity that may come your way. And if that means adding a new payment method for your customers—then go with it.

Times are changing—and so is the business world.

We now have more than many tools and options available to make our business better—and we should grab it by the horns.

And to reiterate: Business is about giving people what they want.

If people want to pay in cash, then so be it.

If your customers want to pay through a credit or debit card, then make that option available for them.

The more options you can offer—the more impressive your business is bound to be.

Of course, you also have to make sure that you’re exercising the proper strategies and techniques as well.

When we talk about bank cards, credit and debit cards, and other related payment methods—we also need to discuss about one important matter: Credit card fraud.

Yes—despite the enormous and impressively numerous benefits of bank card payments—this method also brings about certain risks that we may need to prepare for.

Data breach and credit card fraud are real problems.

In fact, billions of dollars are lost annually because of them.

Businesses—from the small to the large ones—have been affected by credit card fraud and data breach. And if we don’t act quickly, we can be made victims of this serious problem as well.

So, how do we prevent this problem from affecting us?

Firstly: You need to be PCI compliant.

PCI compliance is an important requisite that you—as a business owner—should be giving enough emphasis on.

In fact, if you’re still not PCI compliant now, please make sure you are as quickly as possible.


Because failing to comply with this standard opens you to various risks.

Moreover, it can mean being made vulnerable to certain issues—and a lot of fees and expenses as well.

Curious as to what PCI compliance is?

Simply put: PCI Compliance means complying with the standards set by the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Council, which is composed of some the world’s largest and most established financial and banking companies.

The council is actually responsible for the various PCI standards set today.

For businesses, these standards are meant to provide added protection for their customers and for their respective endeavors as well.

If you want to accept credit card payments (take note: it’s highly advisable you do), PCI Compliance is something that you need to take careful note of.

Fail to be PCI Compliant and you will end up having to pay penalties, fines, and fees. This can also mean losing customers (for failing to provide them with the needed security).

Indeed, for all the businesses out there, we need to fight this ongoing menace of credit card fraud and data breach.

This is an obligation and responsibility that we—as part of this industry—should try to suppress while still possible.

After all, who else would take care of this industry that has brought so much to us?

Bankcard service providers can help ensure that you comply with PCI standards, as well as help ensure that you’re able to put the appropriate security features in check.

Yes—if you aren’t really sure on how to deal with PCI compliance, or are getting a bit nervous with how alarming this problem of credit card fraud and data breach is spreading—don’t fret.

Bank card service providers can actually provide you with the assistance you need.

Through a reputable bank card specialist, you are able to make sure that your transactions are safe from hackers and thieves who are simply there to take your money.

Here’s one more thing to keep note of: If you don’t have EMV readers yet—better have one for your business now.

EMV readers are actually required for all businesses who accept credit card and debit card payments.

These readers are designed to eliminate or at least minimize the occurrence of credit card fraud and other related risks.

With an EMV reader—you get to make sure your payments are safe and sound. Accordingly, this can lead to more secure business transactions, and ultimately, a better and more profitable business for you.

Note: This requirement of EMV readers is actually part of the PCI standards that you need to comply with.

And don’t worry—considering the enormous benefits these handy readers can bring you and your business, they really are useful and excellent investments. In fact, they can do you a world of good.

Aside from making your business more secure, what other advantages can receiving the services of a bank card specialist bring?

Aside from ensuring that you are PCI Compliant, getting a reputable bank card service provider can help bring seamless and worry-free business transactions on your part.

You’ll get help on how to make your payment transactions more secure.

You’ll have access to payment gateways that can help ensure those hackers don’t get access to your ever-valuable information.

Do you need someone to help you in tracking your payments and inventory? Some bank card service providers can help you out with that as well.

Yes—bank card specialists can make your life easier, and your business a whole lot better.

The key here is to find who can help you bring all of these benefits—and more.

RedFynn is a reputable and expert bank card specialist that can help ensure that your business stays on the right track.

We have years of experience in the field, and we have catered to quite a number of clients and customers who simply want to bring the best for their clients, and the most for their respective businesses.

And we don’t really care whether you’re a big enterprise or a small business.

As long as you need our help—you can rest assured we’ll be there to give you the required assistance.

We consider it an honor to help businesses succeed.


Because we treat the successes of our clients and customers as our success.

That is why when you deal with us—you can reasonably expect to get honest, efficient, reliable and feasible services that are worth your while (we know how important time is to you).

So, do you need bank card services that can bring your business to the next level? Call RedFynn at (888) 510-9871 now.