Credit Card

Credit Card Processors

Credit card processors can be a business’ best friend.


Because they make your payment transactions easier, more convenient—and a whole lot safer.

Business-wise, credit cards are innovations that have changed the business landscape on a global scale. On. A. Global. Scale.

After all, with those handy dandy plastic cards, you get to buy whatever you want, whenever you want.

And if you’re a business—that means you always have ready, willing, and able customers who won’t double-guess to buy the items you’re offering. They’re ready to make that purchase from you, because they can (they have their cards with them after all).

However, despite the enormous benefits that these cards bring, tracking credit card payments can be quite a drag.

In fact, if you don’t do things right, chances are you might be open to certain risks, as well as certain challenges along the way.

That is where the expertise of a credit card processor can come to good use.

So, why do you need a credit card processor?

Yes—accepting credit card payments can be a very feasible and profitable move for your business.

After all, basically every one of us have credit cards—and majority won’t hesitate to use their cards to buy whatever they find interesting.

However, as in all good things—there’s always a “but” that we will have to deal with.

Credit card payments are good, “but” we have to make sure that such transactions are safe—not only for our customers, but for our business as well. Otherwise, we’ll only have more problems in our hands. And we certainly don’t want that to happen.

Fact of the matter is: We don’t only need to provide efficient credit card transactions to our beloved customers…

We also have the obligation to make sure that each payment transaction we handle and provide are secured and worry-free.

After all, we want our customers to feel happy and secured, right?

Incidentally, credit card processors can bring you that—and more…

Credit card processors work to ensure that the credit card payments you’re accepting and transacting are legit and free from any unwanted risks and security threats.

Let me tell you now: Data breach and credit card fraud are among the most potent and dangerous risks that we business owners will have to contend with.

That’s a fact.

Billions of dollars are being lost to this problem every year—and chances are the numbers will only rise further.

Of course, as responsible business owners, we need to make sure that all our transactions are safe and secured.

It’s not a “should” thing…

It’s a must.

After all, we are here to solve the problems of our clients and customers. We’re not here to add more headaches for them.

Do you accept credit card, debit card and online payments? If so, then all the more you need credit card processors to help you out.

“Cash only” transactions are a thing of the past.

With the introduction of digital devices and the Internet—the business world has become even more interesting.

A lot more interesting.

Unfortunately, the risks have become a bit more interestingly dangerous as well.

Data hackers from all over the world are out to get your customers’ and your business’ banking, credit card and other important information—for very dubious reasons.

They want to steal your information because they want to use that to actually steal money from you and other businesses out there.

Of course, we’re not going down without a fight.

We owe that to ourselves, and we owe that to our beloved clients who’ve always been there for us.

No, we’re not talking about going back to your old “cash only” policy. That would only make matters worse.

You just need to keep your transactions even more secured from unwanted threats and risks. Don’t worry—you can actually make that possible.

Have you heard of EMV cards?

If not, then it’s high time you do (most especially if you’re a business).

EMV cards (also known as EuroPay, Master and Visa cards) are actually credit cards with built-in chips—specifically designed to minimize or prevent the occurrence of credit card fraud.

These chips are actually designed to safely store and transmit information, in a more secured and impressively high-tech fashion.

Most of the world’s financial institutions are now requiring the use of EMV cards for credit card transactions.

Accordingly, if you are a business that accepts credit or debit card payments, then you will need to have the appropriate EMV card reader to enable you to maximize the potential benefits of this security feature.

Here’s one more thing: After October 1, 2015—all businesses (whether small, medium or large enterprises) are mandated and required to have EMV readers to use for their credit card transactions.

If you are a business that accepts credit card payments—but don’t have the required EMV readers—there’s a high chance you’ll run into a lot of trouble.

…You can be made to pay for the losses incurred by the credit card owner, when you inadvertently accept payments from a fraudulent, counterfeit or stolen credit card (yes—it doesn’t matter whether the acceptance of payment was intentional or not).

…You can be made to pay hefty fines and fees, for failure to comply with set requirements.

…You can lose a big chunk of your customer base because you failed to provide them with the needed security features—most especially with how complicatedly dangerous these newer, more advanced security threats are.

In effect: Your business can suffer greatly, all because you failed to keep your business updated and more efficient.

As the name implies, credit card processors are here to help ensure that your credit card payments are processed through secured terminals and gateways, thereby ensuring that your transactions are free from unwanted threats.

It’s worthy to note though that you don’t have to actually accept credit card payments to open yourself to the abovementioned security and data risks.

Just as long as you have customers who own credit cards—and you store their credit card information—you will automatically have the obligation (and the ethical responsibility) to keep such information safe.

In short, if you are storing, using or transmitting credit card, banking, and other financial information, you need to make sure that such information are as secure as they should be.

Effective credit card processing can save you a lot of money.

But let me qualify that statement first: You can only save money if you have the services of qualified and effective credit card processors.

Remember that credit card processing can involve various aspects. This may include: EMV readers (as mentioned earlier), PCI compliance, secured transmissions, safe payment gateways and many other aspects. In addition, it can involve some credit card processing fees as well.

In other words, you need to actually find the right help (aka credit card processor) to make your life easier. This way, you get to make your transactions safer, your business a whole lot better—and more importantly, your clients and customers feel more secured.

Fact of the matter is: There are many business risks out there today.

However, the business industry has found a way to handle such risks.

It is now up to you if you want to actually use the tools readily available for you—or if you choose to ignore them.

The choice is yours.

But if you ask us: Obviously, you need to protect your customers and your business.

And if that means getting the help of a professional credit card processor, then well and good!

RedFynn is a reputable industry expert, with years of experience in the field. We know what your business needs—and we’ll be very happy to serve you.

Yes, we know that credit card processing can be quite complicated (and at times expensive) for some—but don’t worry. We’ll make it easier for you.

Our aim here is to provide large and small businesses the ability to gain the needed advantage and security against these data and security threats that are lurking just around the corner.

We know what to do—and we will teach you how.

Is your business PCI compliant?

Do you have EMV readers?

Do you have an idea on what type of security features and tools you need for your business?

Want the help of a professional credit card processor to keep your clients and your business safe?

Call (888) 510-9871.