Gift Cards

Custom Gift Cards

I’m sure you’re a very busy business person and this may be an afterthought for you, but do you think custom gift cards could potentially help your business?

Let’s back up for a moment and first talk about what they are.

We all know what gift cards are.

There are two basic types of gift cards.

One is a gift card which is specific for certain brands. They have an amount on them and can only be used at that particular retailer.

The other is the general kind with a credit card logo on them. They may be assigned a specific amount or you may be able to choose the amount of money to “load” onto it. These kinds of cards can be used at any retailer who accepts major credit cards.

The type we want to focus on is the first kind.

Say it’s getting close to the holidays. We all know what this means. Loads of shoppers coming through your doors. Long lines at your cash out counters. Revenue! Profit!

But what happens when the holiday season is over? What incentive do those people and their friends and relatives have to come shop after the holidays have died down?

Gift cards serve more than one purpose for both customers and businesses. For customers, it is especially helpful if they are having a hard time deciding on a gift or figuring out what to get for their Uncle they only see at Christmas time.

Just getting everyone they are unsure of socks or ties or chocolate doesn’t cut it anymore. It’s a job for Grandma anyway! We’re pretty sure she is the only one who still gets a pass on giving those particular gifts.

For everyone else it can be rather stressful. Long lines at stores don’t help matters either.

Whatever your business may be, having custom made gift cards can be a great way to alleviate some stress for your customers and also help drive business during the aftermath of the holidays.

Imagine having your business’ logo or whatever image you want on your own custom gift cards.

There are plenty of companies out there who will let you customize your own gift cards to your specific artistic tastes or preferences.

Having an attractive logo, pattern, or picture displayed on your own gift cards could prove to be an irresistible option for those customers who are “struggling” with what to get Uncle Joe for his birthday or Christmas.

The best part for you?

After the holidays have died down and you are beginning to hit the “slow season,” how do you plan to drive business?

Ding, ding, ding!

All of those gift cards you were (hopefully) encouraging your customers to buy as they were buying other goods in your store will start to reappear during the slow season.

All those Aunts, Uncles, Nieces, and Nephews who received a gift card from your store for Christmas will be back, ready to spend their “gifts” to pick out something for themselves.

Heck, it doesn’t even have to be goods you’re selling. Could be a gift of massages or time at the spa. Could be a gym gift card. Or it could be a big old dinner at Uncle Joe’s favorite restaurant.

This is a gold-mine opportunity to exercise all of those marketing tools you might have learned in college. Once those gift card recipients are back in your store, chances are they might just buy more stuff even after the sum on their cards is spent.

You could have a “Post-Holiday Blowout Sale Extravaganza!” to encourage your customers to exceed their gift card limit.

If you’re supplying the sweet deals, they will be there; gift cards and credit cards in hand, ready to gobble it up like a post-Christmas ham!

Maybe you own a photography business. What better way to self-promote/advertise your skills than with a photo you’ve taken displayed on the front of your own custom made gift cards?

It’s not quite “free” advertising since you will have to pay for your custom made gift cards. But, you’ll be giving potential customers a free preview of your photography skills.

Anyone who sees your gift cards will be able to see the caliber of photographer you are just from the picture on the front of little gift card.

It can be challenging to come up with ways to drive business during the slowest times of the year.

Custom gift cards are a very effective way you can encourage your customers to come back in the “off” season or to give the brand they love (you) to their friends, family and coworkers throughout the year.

And maybe they can be talked into grabbing a few other items while they are at it. But this all depends on the capable salesmanship skills of you and your sales staff… and how great your stuff is.

Go get ‘em, Tiger!

Call us at 888-510-9871 if you have any questions.

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