Credit Card

Ecommerce Credit Card Processing

Do you want to know more about how you can use ecommerce credit card processing to make your business more updated—and profitable?

Let’s discuss…

Business is about adapting to change. It’s about making sure that you are able to cater to the different needs and wants of your market.

Look around—what is one of the most drastic changes in business today?

Answer: The undeniable importance and impressive growth of ecommerce.

Now, have you taken advantage of this trend? Have you brought your business to the online world?

Not yet?

In that case, you might want to start now. Otherwise, you might get left behind.

And we certainly don’t want that, do we?

Ecommerce is an emerging business platform that entrepreneurs should never underestimate.

To say that ecommerce has taken the world by storm would be an understatement.

Think about it: Who doesn’t know about Ebay or Amazon? Or Shopify. How about the current crop of online stores that seem to be coming up every day of the week in our Facebook or Instagram pages?

Yes—if you have a small business, then you should seriously consider taking advantage of the ecommerce platform.


Because there’s a high probability that most of your target market are on their tablets, PCs or smartphones all the time. As it is, you should take that as an opportunity to reach out to them, and convince them that you are what they actually need.

Besides, as a business, you need to make sure that you are able to deliver on what your customers require.

Typically, people make purchases online because they hate bringing loads of cash with them. Sometimes, they’re just too tired to get out of the house to buy anything—and going the online route seems to be the more convenient choice.

So, should you let them go? Should you just let that opportunity to make a sale slip by, just because you think ecommerce is “difficult”?

Of course not.

What are the things to look out for when engaging in ecommerce?

Engaging in ecommerce need not be difficult. However, that doesn’t mean it’s as easy as pie as well.

One of the most important things to look into in when engaging in this platform is ecommerce credit card processing.


Because most online shoppers will usually make purchases via their debit or credit cards. And if you aren’t able to process their payments because you don’t have the necessary process or system in place—then expect to get a lot of people losing interest in your e-business.

Remember: Payment—regardless of the business platform you intend to use—is indispensable to good business. If you don’t have the means to make or receive payments, then don’t expect people to come back.

Your customers will become frustrated…

… Your customers will spread word about how your business failed to deliver on what they need.

… Your business fails.

Then you get frustrated…

Yes—it’s a vicious cycle.

So, you better make sure to get the best ecommerce payment processing, if you want to succeed in your venture into ecommerce.

Ecommerce credit card processing involves different processes.

As in all business transactions, ecommerce credit and debit card processing will also involve various processes that we should always keep note of.

  • What type of credit cards do you accept? Can your ecommerce platform accept them all?
  • Are you and your ecommerce platform PCI compliant?
  • What bookkeeping practices do you use? Can you easily integrate it with your online store?
  • What kind of ecommerce credit card processing fees are you looking at with your provider?

For instance, if you use Pinnacle Cart, they don’t take a percentage of the payments you process, whichever merchant services provider you choose to go with.

But Shopify? They do. Regardless of whether you use their payment processing functionality or someone else’s, they’re going to take a percentage or your store’s sales.

So before you jump into business with one of ‘em, do an ecommerce platforms comparison.

These are just some of the details to look out for when engaging in ecommerce merchant processing. And there’s more. Believe me.

What makes matters even more complicated is that new standards and regulations have been set (such as IRC Section 6050W), which makes small business owners even more vulnerable to hidden costs, as well as fines for non-compliance.

However, do these complications mean we should stop engaging in ecommerce?

No way! That would mean you’re leaving money on the table.

It simply means we should learn more about it. After all, as mentioned earlier—business is about adapting to change. And we can’t let complexities like these hold us back from our goals.

So, you want to learn more about ecommerce credit card processing? Let RedFynn teach you. We’re here. Buzz us at (888) 510-9871.