Customer Loyalty

How to Make Customers Fall in Love with You

As a business owner or manager, you’re constantly looking for ways to make your business more attractive to customers. Whether you are in retail or the restaurant industry, you need ideas, products, and strategies which will be user-friendly and appealing to customers.

Customer loyalty is something every business desires. Keeping up with trends in the point-of-sale industry will give you an edge and make your business continually attractive to new and long-time customers alike. Nearly everyone prefers to shop or eat at a business which stays up with the times, as long as those updates make their experience more convenient rather than more complicated.

For your own benefit, wouldn’t it be great if a POS system could help you draw in and retain customers? It would make your job a lot easier. Every business owner we know would be interested in a point-of-sale system that does both! Read the following tips about how to turn occasional customers into loyal customers, and notice how the right POS system can help you in every case!

Know What They Want
Your customers expect you to keep up with the latest trends, be present on social media, and be nothing short of a mind reader. It can be a lot to juggle, so finding a POS system which will help you manage it all is a must. Getting easy-to-read reports about your business is necessary to keep customers happy. With intuitive POS software, you can look back to the same time of year to see which products sold and which ones didn’t.
Some systems have built-in features showing you what your most popular items have been so you can keep those things in stock, and you can also find software options to track your best salespeople so you can schedule these people to work at peak sales times. It isn’t mind reading, it’s just smart business with the right tools!

Make It Look Good
A cluttered business, dirty bathrooms, and poor lighting are just a few things which can drive customers away from your business. You know keeping up appearances is important for consistent positive customer experiences, and you take great care to devote time and energy to these areas. The obvious things are easy to remedy, but a POS system that looks intimidating is harder to identify as a problem.
A point-of-sale setup that looks sleek and user-friendly will encourage customers to come into your restaurant or retail store more often. This feature is as important as an attractive storefront and a clean spacious restaurant. One thing customers appreciate is a customer-facing display. They can be sure discounts are applied and trust everything gets rung up correctly. This inadvertently builds trust and makes them feel comfortable about continuing their business with you in the future. Be Mobile
Being on the floor with customers is the only way to ensure they have everything they need and are having a favorable experience. Restaurants have always known this. This is why your wait staff comes by every so often to check on your table, even if it’s obvious you don’t need a thing.
Having information at your fingertips, including wireless communication with the kitchen or with other sales associates, is now a reality for all types of businesses! With an iPad point-of-sale system, you can incorporate all the information you need and still be visible to customers at all times.
Speaking of mobility, realizing your customers are constantly on the move and looking for a shop who can keep up with them will help you get in their good graces as well. Make shopping a smooth experience by offering fast, easy checkout processes with a POS system that works for you and them! Have Information

Readily Available
Along with being physically available to your customers, you also need to have answers to their questions. It’s nearly impossible to keep all that information in your brain, let alone keeping all your employees up to date on changes, updates, and out of stock items. Therefore, a POS system which integrates your supplier catalogs and current inventory can be invaluable!

With a system linking up to your suppliers, you won’t have to upload information from the vendor by hand anymore. This will save you time and money in the long run, whether you do this tedious task yourself or have an employee who is responsible for inventory updates. This feature will allow anyone with an iPad in hand to give customers information about upcoming shipments, product availability, and more!

Offer Incentives
Everyone loves a sale, and what we love even more is exclusive access to a great sale! Your customers are no different. Keep them happy with sales and special offers, made even easier with the right software! POS systems with built-in discount functions make it quick and easy work to send out virtual coupons via email or text, depending on your customers’ preferences. These systems allow you to offer incentives on everything from food to retail clothing with just a few clicks. This is one sure way to make sure customers keep coming back!
You can keep up with how long a customer has been shopping with you, their birthdays, and how much they have spent with you and the types of items they typically purchase with a modern POS system and send them customized discounts to commemorate milestones. There’s no better way to show your customers how much they mean to you than by giving them personal attention.

The right POS system can build your business in ways you can’t imagine! It’s worth looking into iPad point-of-sale systems geared toward your specific industry. Once your system is installed and your employees are fully trained on all of its functionalities, you’ll wonder how you ever did business without it!