Restaurant POS Systems

Increase Revenue with a Mobile POS

A restaurant cannot be successful without solid communication from the front of the house to the back. Determining ways to facilitate communication for your employees is easier said than done these days, with practically everything running at a faster pace than ever before. Everything is dependent on your point-of-sale system. If you’ve been thinking about a mobile POS system, we have some valuable information for you!

In small restaurants, it may not be a big problem for servers to run back and forth to the kitchen to clarify orders or check to see if the special is still available, but in larger operations – in physical size or in number of employees – relaying information is much more complicated. It’s practically impossible to have instantaneous communication with every employee when you’re relying on word-of-mouth to ensure important messages spread around the restaurant.

Traditional point-of-sale methods are becoming obsolete as well. The old pen-and-paper method used to be the way everyone did it, and it worked! However, it probably won’t cut it for your restaurant anymore. If writing everything down in your restaurant’s unique shorthand is still working well for now, consider yourself lucky. But what happens when your business does grow?

Do you have a communication system which can grow with your business, or is it outdated and slow?

When you honestly answer these questions, and admit it is time to update your point-of-sale system, consider a first-rate mobile POS system like Lightspeed!

Newer point-of-sale systems utilize many forms of technology, including iPads, which can do everything you need. The Lightspeed system can do practically anything: change your menu from anywhere, add ‘Happy Hour’ specials, translate orders between two languages, and customize each and every order, down to the pickles and mayo!

Taking payments and keeping records are also incredibly easy with this simple, yet comprehensive system. You’ll never miss another order, or under/overcharge anyone by mistake. If you are looking for an all-in-one POS system, a cutting-edge mobile point-of-sale system might be just the thing!

Mobile POS takes away much of the guesswork in taking orders and relaying them to your kitchen, which is why more companies prefer them. When customers’ orders are wrong, they become frustrated or angry, and they will tell their friends. Whether you know it or not, your business lives and dies by person-to-person referrals, and you simply cannot afford to have unsatisfied customers talking about their service in an unfavorable light.

There’s only one problem with doing things the old way… it gets old! Rather than sticking with your old system, just because it’s been tried and true in the past, stay on the cutting-edge of restaurant technology with a mobile POS system!

For more information about the best mobile point-of-sale equipment on the market, call us at (888) 510-9871!