
Online Credit Card Processing

Any smart E-commerce business owner knows that online credit card processing is absolutely paramount for the success of any online merchant.

There simply isn’t any other way around it. In order for people that come to your website or online storefront to purchase all the wonderful items or services you offer, they need a way to use their credit and debit cards to purchase those things.

To set up your business for online success, you need to get a merchant account. A merchant account enables your online business to accept credit card payments. Once you have a merchant account you will be set up with a payment gateway.

A payment gateway is basically a virtual portal that authorizes credit, debit, gift, and other card payments.

Some payment processors will allow you to buy just the payment gateway service from them if you already have a merchant account through your bank or an ISO/MSP (Independent Selling Organization/Member Service Provider). is one of these services. They offer very competitive rates for both merchant account and payment gateways.

Of course, everything in life costs money, and the same is true for online credit card processing. You pay the service provider to process your payments and they charge you transaction fees.

There are extremely competitive rates available for credit card processing online. Processors charge you a percentage of each transaction and these fees can be up to 5%!

Of course, the best way to find rock bottom rates is by doing a simple comparison of different payment processors and merchant account providers.

You can do a quick Google search and find a list of providers ready to compete for your business. Be aware though, some services charge more the the same service you could get with another provider.

In some cases, some providers charge more yet they don’t provide the same level of service as others. It’s a crazy world out there in the game of credit card processing!

Be careful of other fees though as well. Some online credit card processing companies have hidden fees, like a cancellation of service fee.

These are often quite significant costs. So be careful and review all the available information! If you miss something in the sign-up process, you could end up stuck with a bad credit card processor because of the huge expense to get out of your contract.

Don’t let this be you!

Once you find a reputable online processor, they will set you up with a virtual “shopping cart” (sometimes free of charge) and a payment gateway as previously stated.

These virtual shopping carts are very popular with business owners because it allows their customers to add multiple items to their cart. You can add in “suggestions” for related items too with some virtual carts.

This encourages last minute impulse buying and has proven an effective way to increase your online sales.

The virtual cart adds up your customer’s total for them and calculates the tax on those items as well. Once they add their shipping information, it will calculate the shipping costs and add it to the total.

The only thing left for them to do is add their card info and click “buy now!” and tah-dah! All done.

They can just kick back and finish that episode of Walking Dead now with the comfort of knowing their collector’s Walking Dead box set with 3 hours of extras and behind the scenes is on its way to their doorstep!

Get online and check out all the rates of the different online credit card processing companies out there.

Once you’ve found the best rate, call us here at RedFynn Technologies. (888) 510-9871. We have a price-match guarantee, among other incredible services, and also have an A+ rating on the Better Business Bureau’s website.

Good luck on the hunt and see you soon!