
Online Payment Systems

Why are online payment systems needed for business?

Firstly: If you’re in business—you need to have an online presence, one way or another. Period.

In fact, experts are suggesting that businesses should seriously consider focusing some investments for online endeavors, or otherwise face the consequences (and they’re not good).

Think about it: There are billions of users from all over the globe. Social media has taken the world by storm (to say the least). More and more people are now using the virtual world for different purposes.

And there’s no stopping that.

Yes—the online world is virtually unstoppable. And as a business, you need to be part of it. Otherwise, your competitors will, and you’ll get left behind. Obviously, that’s a risk you shouldn’t take.

Online payments are the wave of the future.

Imagine this: What if you have a way of paying for your purchases—without having to leave your home, without driving (and paying for gas) and without having to be in those long, annoying lines at the counter?

Wouldn’t that be so good?

That’s what your customers and clients are probably thinking.

And being a good business owner, you should try to find a way to bring that convenience to them.

Yes—we’re talking about online payments here.

Payments are an essential aspect of your business that you should never ignore. That’s why you need a good and efficient system.

Whether you like it or not, payment systems will always be part of the equation of a successful and profitable business.

After all, how would you earn if you aren’t good with accepting payments, right?

Take note: The keyword here is “system.”

In business, having the right system can do wonders. It means smoother business operations, quicker turnaround, more clients (that are impressed with you) and many other benefits.

Ultimately, all of these can lead to one thing: More profits for your business.

Offering more payment options for your customers, means more opportunities to make a sale (and make your business more successful).

Do you have a cash-only policy for your store? If so, then it is high time to change that policy.

Yes, receiving payments in cash is good. In fact, that simplifies the sales process.

However, what if some of your customers don’t really like to bring all that cash with them?

What if that’s just not their style?

Do we simply ignore them and their needs?

Of course not. We businesses are required to be there for our clients and customers, after all.

Besides, giving more options to your clients isn’t a bad strategy. In fact, it can even be a wise, profitable business decision on your part.

Take note: If you give your customers more options, you are actually making them happier. And we all know how “happy customers” can help a business right?

When you have happy and satisfied customers, you are able to build a stronger relationship with them. Accordingly, such relationship will not only lead to a two-party relationship, but it can even expand to other relationships as well.

Treat your customers well (and make them happy)—and they will tell the world about how good your business really is.

They will tell their friends, their family, colleagues and everyone else about how impressive you guys really are in delivering your products and services.

In effect, they become your indirect brand ambassadors—who, through “word of mouth”—can make your business even bigger!

Funny how simply adding a new payment option for your clients can equate to better sales.

There’s more that you need to know…

When you >accept online payments—you need to put security at the top of your list.

In order to maximize the potential benefits of online payments—you need to make sure that you are using the right security tools and software.


Well, because hackers are up and about in the virtual world. These individuals are actually engaging in various techniques and “strategies” to get your credit card and banking information—and use them for criminal purposes.

They will infect your emails and downloads with viruses and malware in order to steal your information—then use that same info to make purchases online and offline.

Worse, they are getting greedier each minute.

Fortunately, there are ways to make your online payments protected against these thieves and hackers.


You can use different anti-virus and spyware software as added protection.

However, depending on the complexities of your business transactions, as well as the types of risks your business is constantly exposed to—these anti-virus and anti-malware programs may not be enough.

If you really, really want to make your online payments secured—you need to get an online payment system that can handle the accompanying risks of the virtual world.

What should we look for in an online payment system provider?

Obviously, the first thing to look for in an online payment system provider is efficiency and reliability.

How efficient are they in handling online payments?

Are they as quick to process payments as they claim to be?

Can they really make your payment methods more secured?

What’s their track record?

A payment gateway is an essential, even indispensable requirement of a good online payment system.

With a secured payment gateway, your payment transactions are coursed through various security processes, thereby ensuring that those payments you receive actually go into your bank—and not in the hands of hackers and thieves.

These security protocols will include:

  • an SSL encryption (Secure Socket Layer),
  • secured transfer of the information from the web browser to the web server of the online store,
  • safe transmission of the info from the gateway to the credit card company (for denial or approval),
  • prompt communication of the denial or approval of the payment,
  • and many others.

Looking at all these, the processes can be quite mind-numbing, considering how complicated their terms and functions are.

Fortunately, worrying about such processes is not your job. That’s actually the job of the online payment system provider. After all, you’re paying for their expertise.

Accordingly, that’s why you need to make sure that you’re dealing with the right provider—with all the required expertise, experience and tools. You deserve nothing less.

Business and online payments is a combo made for success.

Let’s admit it: We are in business to earn profits. Otherwise, if one keeps running a business—and it continually results in losses (and not profits)—chances are it will close down within a very short period of time.

To make sure your business stays afloat you need to be on the lookout for new potential opportunities that can actually make your business even more profitable.

And basing on what we discussed earlier, selling your wares and services via the online platform is the perfect example of an opportunity worth grabbing.

Think about it: The online world has billions of people waiting to be catered to. Social media has made advertising considerably easier and more cost-efficient (look at your Facebook, and you’ll see what we’re talking about). Based on reports, there are many other innovations that will make the online space even more feasible for businesses.

So, should you just wait?


As a good business owner, you need to maximize this opportunity that’s waiting for you.

Of course, as in all things, you need to be strategic. To do well with your online endeavors, you need to actually take the necessary steps and precautions—to get the benefits you deserve, and avoid the potential dangers that may be lurking around the corner.

You can start by enrolling in merchant services from PayPal, Square or RedFynn to enable you to accept payments online, either via credit cards, debit cards, online checks and the like.

Of course, when you accept payments online, you need to get the right online payment system as well. This can help ensure that your transactions will be safe—while ensuring that your business operations will run as smoothly as they should.

Remember: Online payment systems are all about making sure that you have better, smoother and more secured payments. This will make your sales reports easier to do (and understand), which in turn, can help you make the right business moves at the end of the day.

Yes—getting the right system will do wonders for your business. Believe me.

So, do you want to get an online payment system—for better and more profitable business operations?

Call Redfynn at (888) 510-9871 and together, let’s make your business even bigger!

This is one of the several pieces of business intelligence that we specialize in. That means anything and everything to make your business save money, make money, and run more smoothly so you can enjoy more time with your family.

With a BBB rating of A+ and one of the best merchant services for small business, we’re happy to talk with you to improve your business at no obligation.