Merchant Account

Payment Service Provider

If you’re in business, then the word “payment” is most likely a very important term for you…

And you know what? It should be.

You’ve probably also heard of the term “payment service provider”…

Receiving and making payments is one of the key tasks which should be done efficiently, most especially if you want to stay in business. If you don’t have a payment system which works and can actually accommodate the needs of your clients and customers—chances are you’ll be in a lot of trouble later on.

Think about it: The business landscape we have right now is ever-changing, to say the least. Consumer behavior has become quite different as well. And with the way things are going, you can expect even more changes within a very short period of time.

Now, if you want to stay on the top of your game, then you need to make sure you are equipped with whatever tools or services which can help you cater to your market. There’s no way of going around it.

Here’s a question: Are you one of the very—very—few businesses who only deal with customers and clients on a “cash only” basis?

If you are, then it might be high time to do some modifications on how you run your business. Some important ones.

Let’s start with how you accommodate payments.

Remember this rule: your clients and customers will always want more options. Always. This is just the way it is. Incidentally, this includes how you handle their payments.

Now, don’t ever think you should be scrapping cash payments. Of course not. Receiving payments in cash can never be a bad thing.

However, what if your clients don’t like to bring a lot of cash while shopping? What if they like the feel of those plastic credit cards in their hands? Or how about when one of their “secret hobbies” is online shopping?

Do you just let them go because they can’t pay in cash (even if they are willing and able to pay you in other modes)?

Wouldn’t this be a big waste of opportunity? Wouldn’t this defeat the purpose of running a business? Will it not hurt your relationship with your customers? Will it not hurt your brand?
And realistically speaking—is this really sound business judgment?

Let’s admit it: Times are changing. And as good business people, we need to keep up with what our clients and customers need.

So, do your customers need you to have various types of payment methods?

Don’t worry—you can always get a reliable payment service provider to help you out.

So, what does a payment service provider do?

Simply put, a payment service provider will allow you to accept all types of payments for your business.

Generally, these providers can assist you with electronic payments, whether it be done through credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers and other related payment systems.

Now, you might be asking yourself: Why should I get their help, when I can process these payments on my own?

Well, here’s the answer: Convenience and Efficiency.

If you have a payment service provider helping you—then you won’t have to directly deal with banks or financial institutions anymore. You (or your personnel) won’t have to go to the bank just to make the necessary deposits, making you less dependent on financial institutions (convenience).

Also, payment service providers will typically have access to different banks and payment networks. So, when you get their services, you get to have a share of those connections as well. Hence, regardless of the type of credit or debit cards your customers have, you can be sure they will be accommodated as efficiently as they should be (efficiency).

Here’s one more very important thing: With the help of payment service providers, you are able to offer more to your clients and customers when it comes to their payments.

You are able to cater to more of their needs and wants…

… Your customers become happier with you and your business.

And as we all know, happier customers mean better business. Of course, better business means greater profitability for you.

Want to get the full scoop on how you can make your payment methods even better? Call RedFynn NOW at (888) 510-9871.