Restaurant POS Systems

Faster Table Turnover: Quick Service POS

Quick service point-of-sale equipment and software is important for your restaurant because it can lead to faster table turnover and allow upselling to each ticket to earn more money per customer. On top of this it allows a steady flow of customers to keep coming through the doors.

Your restaurant’s quick service will depend on your staff’s commitment to excellent service, but a large part of your ability to serve customers quickly is your POS system. It can decrease your service times and increase your average ticket price. When your wait staff can offer appetizers, sides, add-ons, and desserts with confidence and authority, customers are more likely to order these additional items.

You can also offer customer loyalty programs with your restaurant’s POS system. These kinds of incentives will not only incentivize customers to order more per visit, but it will also give them a reason to keep coming back, especially when the rewards build up over time. Gift cards can be sold at the register or at the table and allow your staff to easily tack them onto the customer’s total bill with the right quick service POS system. In addition, your POS system can randomly print customer surveys to ensure customer satisfaction across the board.

A POS system, which is the right size and speed for your restaurant, will make your overall service consistent, convenient, and, most of all, faster than ever. When your waiters have a tried-and-true system they follow for each order, you’ll experience higher customer satisfaction and less inconsistency in ordering. This could save you money and also gain major reputation points with your regulars and new customers alike!

Another benefit of quick service POS software is it makes training new employees easier than traditional methods. The system you choose can give trainees a step-by-step guide to every process you have in your restaurant, regardless of how much experience they have in the restaurant industry.

A quick service POS doesn’t just directly benefit your customers and wait staff. It can also help you make decisions faster than ever as well. Your quick service POS software can generate reports which will show you profits, losses, inventory trends, and labor details. These reports, viewed anytime you want via your POS hardware or on a mobile device, can help you make important decisions. You can simply and quickly pull up a report for any given time period which will show you what things should be cut out entirely and which items or promotions you might want to advertise a little more.