Restaurant POS Systems

Advice from RedFynn’s Restaurant POS Experts

So you’ve made up your mind and it’s time – probably well past time – to purchase a complete point-of-sale system for your restaurant. Don’t think you have to go at it alone! We’re here to provide some valuable advice you’ll be so glad to have before making such an important and expensive decision!

Your restaurant POS system will definitely set you back financially, but these systems are about what’s best for your business in the long run. Think months or even a couple of years ahead, when everything in your restaurant, from seating customers to ordering inventory and supplies, is wrapped up in one neat little package. To be completely honest, you may not see the benefits of your POS system right away. You aren’t making a purchase which will save you money today or tomorrow; rather, you’re investing in a product which will make your business run smoother and more efficiently for as long as you are running your restaurant.

When you’re looking for the right POS system, first consider the total cost of the systems you are researching. The equipment and software itself may have one sticker price, but add-ons and additional features could cost you a lot more in the long run. For example, you might have to pay extra for a support package in case your system needs work from time-to-time. Other expenses could include yearly system updates or additional fees for IT techs who install and repair your equipment.

By now, you’re probably well aware of the Chip-and-PIN card payment system required by the federal government. POS system manufacturers should be ahead of the game in their knowledge of these changes in regulations and how their systems meet those specific requirements. If you don’t purchase a system which adheres to the new rules, you could find yourself paying for an all-new system which actually does meet those government regulations. This is one headache you do not want to deal with!

Another key feature of a reputable restaurant POS provider is they care about your business. Many of the best companies offer incentives which go above and beyond what you’d expect from a regular service provider. The really good companies, the ones who are the most concerned with helping your business succeed, are the ones who will offer assistance building your menu, installing the system, and training your staff. You’ll know a good company when you see one because their reputation will precede them. You can ask other restaurant owners or read reviews online to find a trustworthy company who will go out of its way to help your restaurant grow and thrive!

Our final advice is when you find a company who fits the bill in every area, stick with them! You’ll be rewarded for your loyalty, and the company will use your business as a prime example of how successful others can be with their product.