Restaurant POS Systems

The 3 Biggest Restaurant POS Trends of 2017

As with anything else, restaurant point-of-sale technology goes through trends, and if you want to use a POS system in your restaurant, you’ll have to decide which trends are worth following and which will cost your business more money, in the long run, without actually saving you any money, time, or hassle.

If your restaurant is one of the many not utilizing a consistent point-of-sale system – research shows, over half of all restaurants do not – then, it will definitely benefit you to know about the most current trends, before you begin shopping around for the best system for your business.

Mobile devices are the first big trend in restaurant point-of-sale systems. Mobile POS systems allow servers to input all the information about an order, before leaving the table. This includes add-ons and modifications to each individual order. Orders are immediately sent electronically to the kitchen, prep area, or bar, so there’s a very slim chance your server becomes distracted when he or she is actually taking down the order. The margin for error with mobile POS devices is much smaller than with the old pen-and-paper method, and it keeps wait staff from having to write the order down then punch it in on a stationary POS device.

Customer integration is also making news in restaurant point-of-sale trends. Customer participation in the POS transaction is novel and exciting for most patrons. Giving customers the option to order, call the server, and even pay right there at the table – and leave a generous tip – will not only save your wait staff precious time, but will also increase the customer’s overall enjoyment during their time in your establishment. Research shows customers like to feel as if they are in control of the payment part of their dining experience, and a point-of-sale station at every table is the perfect way to do just this!

Reporting applications are also fairly new to restaurant POS systems. Reports must be customized to fit the needs of your business, and POS manufacturers are realizing this, creating software to cater to specific types of businesses, including restaurants, bars, counter-service delis, and all sorts of food-service establishments. The point-of-sale systems today will give you customizable report options in an easy-to-view dashboard, allowing easier view of restaurant statistics, and decision-making based on cold, hard facts.

The field of restaurant POS technology is ever growing and changing, and it’s up to you to decide which trends will benefit your business in the long run. The bottom line is any technology, process, or technique which saves your company money is worth adopting!

Tools and technology to make order taking less complicated, keep inventory more precise, and allow your staff to communicate effortlessly will do the job, and all these things are possible with restaurant point-of-sale technology and equipment!