Merchant Account

What is a Merchant Account?

A common question we hear is, “What is a merchant account?” A merchant account is a bank account for businesses which allows them to accept credit and debit card payments. The business accepts the cards and the bank handles and “settles” the transactions.

You are the “Leader” of your business, yes? You want to take the reigns of control to make sure you aren’t on the negative end of new business survival statistics. The benefits of having a merchant account are endless!

Your customers deserve to be treated like the best they are, right? Absolutely! And of course you want to make sure they are, right? Most definitely!

As you are all too aware, owning and running a successful business is becoming increasingly harder these days. In fact, it is harder now more than it ever has been!

There are new businesses popping up everywhere! While they may not all represent direct competition for your business, they still draw from the same pool of ever shrinking consumers.

Unfortunately, this pool of consumers has been steadily decreasing over the last several decades. With almost a 50% increase in new businesses since the early 80s, competition for consumers is really heating up.

In the same amount of time the U.S. has only seen a 26% increase in population. To make things even more difficult for small businesses, at least half of workers will be self employed by the end of the decade.

This is a lot of new competition coming down the pipe over the next 4 years.

What do all these statistics mean for you and your business?

It means it is high time you get organized!

It means your business is going to face even more difficult times if you aren’t properly prepared to handle it.

The number one way to keep up with or ahead of your old and new competitors is by accepting credit card payments. Fewer and fewer people pay with cash these days. Plastic pays these days!

But, without a merchant account, accepting credit card payments is impossible.

So, what is this “merchant account” we speak of?

A merchant account is a business account which enables your business to accept credit and debit card payments.

The end.

Just kidding. There is a little more to it.

Merchant accounts are offered by most banks and RedFynn only…

Ok, not really. RedFynn is an ISO (Independent Sales Organization) and we aren’t the only one out there.

We believe we are the best though, obviously!

Independent Sales Organizations are sponsored by a bank and are FDIC insured. When you have a merchant account with RedFynn, you are entering a secure agreement.

You are also getting the best merchant services and online support available.

At least this is what our clients tell us. We are inclined to believe them. We believe you will feel the same. We are bragging. We are also ok with it.

You need the best when it comes to merchant accounts and services. With a merchant account, you are ready! Ready to take on anything which comes through your doors.

Do you do want to do business online? Awesome! You are on the cutting edge of a growing trend which is heavily leaning more and more towards e-commerce.

Just look at the major online retailers out there. Amazon? Hello?? They are killing it!

A merchant account allows you to accept those credit, debit, and gift card transactions.

People are much more inclined to make purchases over the Internet than they were in the past. This, among other reasons, is because credit card processing companies have upped their security game over the years.

Unfortunately, security breaches still occur with online transactions. We wish it didn’t happen, but it does.

It may not have happened yet with your business, but chances are you will experience it too at some point in the future. It is not a matter of “if” but “when”.

You need the best in security features for your merchant account to process payments online.

What a merchant account with RedFynn does is it gives you the ability to accept credit card payments with the best available security features.

Your customers can purchase your merchandise online with confidence and the knowledge their information is being handled appropriately and processed securely.

No, we can’t guarantee you will not experience a database breach. But we can insure you against a data breach up to $100,000. For less than your daily coffee!

But with the tools we provide and our enhanced security, we can help you greatly reduce the risk of one happening to your business. Give us a call at (888) 510-9871 or visit