
Sharing thoughts, facts, ideas, and best practices for business owners of all kinds.

Merchant Account

Merchants Credit

Have you ever thought of merchants’ credit? If not, then it might be time you did… Merchants’ credit can actually help you build relationships with your beloved customers and clients. It can help establish that position of trust. It can help improve your brand. And we all know how important…

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Loyalty Program

Best Loyalty Programs

It is a great question that every serious business owner should ask: what are the best loyalty programs available? There are a lot of available options to choose from. With each loyalty program comes its own set of rewards and incentives. Some rewards programs are more suited for small businesses,…

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Loyalty Program

Loyalty Programs For Small Businesses

Are you looking to start a loyalty program for small business? Are you operating on a shoestring budget and need a little extra push to get you out of the red and into the green? Or maybe you just want to take your business to the next level. Loyalty programs…

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Mobile Point of Sale

If you are an independent contractor or self-employed business person who does most of their business on the road, you need a mobile Point of Sale. What is it? Glad you asked! But first, what is a regular Point Of Sale? (Or POS as it is commonly referred to.) Point…

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Customer Loyalty

Digital Punch Card App

It’s safe to say we’re living in the future, with so many businesses using digital punch cards now. These loyalty punch card apps allow loyal customers to continue getting their stamps but without the hassle of carrying around those cards anymore. It’s all in digital format and all online. And…

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Credit Card

Mobile Payments

One of the biggest growing trends these days is for aspiring entrepreneurs and future successful business men and women to strike it alone and use their knowledge and skills to build their business from scratch. And one of the most useful tools available to them is the ability to accept…

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Customer Loyalty

Customer Loyalty Programs

The use of customer loyalty programs has hugely increased over the last decade. It’s not hard to understand why considering all the positive implications and revenue which can be generated from such programs. If you are not familiar with these programs, not to worry. They are fairly easy to understand…

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Customer Loyalty

Customer Retention Strategies

There are various customer retention strategies that you can implement in your business. Some better than others, but let’s talk about the ones best readied to help your business be successful. Firstly, why should you even worry about customer retention? Maybe you have a busy store already, so what is…

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PCI Compliance Checklist

One of the most important things you need to do when setting up your business to accept payment card transactions is ensure you have checked everything off your PCI compliance checklist. It’s crucial, really! Don’t have a PCI compliance checklist yet? You need to have one. Whether it is an…

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PCI Compliant

What the heck does PCI even mean? Why should I care or waste my time on it? I’m a small business owner. This can’t possibly apply to me, can it? All very good questions every business owner has to ask themselves at one point or another. In order to determine…

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PCI Council

The world of payment processing is complicated and is constantly under security threats, which is why the PCI Council is so important. The PCI Council is actually the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council and it was founded in 2006. This PCI SSC was organized to help the Payment Card…

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PCI Definition

What is the PCI definition? What the heck is it? As a small business owner, why do I need to know what it is? What importance does it hold for me? These are all very good questions every small business owner needs to ask themselves. If you aren’t familiar with…

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ISO Agent Program

Partner With The Best.

The world of payments is rapidly changing in front of our eyes. Massive consolidation is happening at a record pace, and this will inevitably impact your business as a merchant services agent.