
Sharing thoughts, facts, ideas, and best practices for business owners of all kinds.

Point of Sale

What Is POS?

What is POS? If you don’t know what it is yet—it is highly advisable to dig deeper into what it is. POS (otherwise known as Point-of-Sale), is that exact point when your customers are willing to pay for their purchases. Of course, this means that it is also that exact…

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PCI Standards

What is the PCI standard and how does your business comply with it? Yes, if you are in business, there are certain PCI standards that you need to observe. Otherwise, you might end up paying for losses (that you don’t really deserve). You might end up being penalized with hefty…

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When you go to the grocery store or out shopping, you will inevitably make your way to the front of the store to purchase your items at the cash-out area, or the “Point of Sale,” as it’s known to us business folk. It is at this point in the process…

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Merchant Account

Payment Service Provider

If you’re in business, then the word “payment” is most likely a very important term for you… And you know what? It should be. You’ve probably also heard of the term “payment service provider”… Receiving and making payments is one of the key tasks which should be done efficiently, most…

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Customer Loyalty

Loyalty Marketing

Can loyalty marketing help scale your business to bigger, better heights? Can it make your business even more profitable? Honestly—can it really boost your business? The answer is: “Yes.” Why? According to studies, there are two ways to boost your business: One is by attracting potential customers (traditional marketing), and…

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Loyalty Program

Restaurant Loyalty Programs

Do you really need a restaurant loyalty program for your small restaurant or cafe? You may already be busy as it is, right? What good will a rewards program be for your restaurant? The facts are the facts. Every restaurant has its “peak season” and its “off season,” right? It…

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Credit Card

Virtual Terminal

Success in business requires tools. Payment tools, especially, are very important. If you wish to accept and process credit, debit, gift card, ACH and call-in orders, a virtual terminal is something you will most certainly need to have set up. Virtual terminals are the “facilitators” of sorts of your debit…

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POS Systems

A POS System has many functions, but the primary function of a “Point Of Sale” system is accepting payments in exchange for goods or services… or, said more bluntly, the primary function of POS systems is taking money! Every business wants to make money. Without the ability to make money,…

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Merchant Account

Payment Processors

If you think about it, payment processors are actually like the new “lifesavers” of the business world. Why? Well, because they help ensure your business (whether it may be a convenience store, hotel, gas station or any other business type) is able to stay afloat, most especially with how “complicatedly…

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Credit Card

Payment Systems

Whether you like it or not, you need to make sure that you have the right payment systems in place. There’s no denying it. Why? Because having the right payment methods means the opportunity to cater to more clients and customers. It means being able to expand your business. More…

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All About Point-of-Sale Systems

What is a Point of Sale System? In the simplest terms, Point of Sale Systems are the computerized retail management system which allows a consumer to purchase his or her goods or services, whether in a physical store or through a digital interface (like an eCommerce store). Literally, the point…

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Loyalty Program

Loyalty Card App

It seems there is an app for everything now, even a loyalty card app. Going the way of paper for everything is no longer the norm. In today’s modern digital age, it’s all about going paperless and going “convenient”, right? I mean, let’s be real: who doesn’t love that there…

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ISO Agent Program

Partner With The Best.

The world of payments is rapidly changing in front of our eyes. Massive consolidation is happening at a record pace, and this will inevitably impact your business as a merchant services agent.