
Sharing thoughts, facts, ideas, and best practices for business owners of all kinds.

SMS Marketing

Mobile Marketing

You’ve probably heard of SMS marketing or mobile marketing before or maybe you’ve received mobile notifications of sales and promotions with some of the retailers or businesses you frequent. Mobile marketing is an excellent tool to use for small businesses to connect directly with their customers to notify them of…

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Online Credit Card Processing

Any smart E-commerce business owner knows that online credit card processing is absolutely paramount for the success of any online merchant. There simply isn’t any other way around it. In order for people that come to your website or online storefront to purchase all the wonderful items or services you…

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Online Payment Gateway

Once you find a credit card processor or open a merchant account, you have the option to be equipped with an online payment gateway. A payment gateway is the virtual device through which credit and debit card payments are securely passed and authorized. It can also authorize a host of…

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Merchant Account

Merchant Account Providers

Your business won’t make it very far without the ability to accept credit card/debit card payments. And the only way you can do that is through a merchant account provider, which gives you the ability to conduct card transactions. A merchant account is an account specifically meant for the purpose…

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Merchant Account

Merchant Account Services

There is a definite level of support necessary for a business to function well. Great merchant account services provide this support. Without great support and business services, running a business would be even more difficult than it already is… There is a new business created every minute of every day…

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Merchant Account

Merchant Accounts

Merchant accounts are bank accounts that allow businesses (merchants), whether online or offline, to accept money from credit, debit, and other types of cards. The bank settles the card transactions that the business accepts. The benefits of having a merchant account are endless! Your customers deserve the best, right? Of…

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Merchant Account

Merchant Service Provider

A merchant service provider is the institution which allows your business, whether online or offline, to other forms of payment than cash. These forms include credit cards, debit cards, gift cards, checks, and touchless payments such as Apple Pay and Google Wallet. When it comes to deciding on such a…

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Merchant Account

Merchant Services

Every business needs the proper tools to succeed in an increasingly difficult world of business, which is why reliable merchant services are so important to have. Businesses these days need all the help they can get. With new businesses being created literally every minute of every day in the U.S.,…

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Merchant Account

Best Merchant Services

Every business owner wants and expects the best merchant services. But which ones actually are? How do you find the best? With so many different providers out there, it can be difficult to decipher which ones are best for you. This article will tell you what to look for. As…

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Credit Card

Card Services

As you are probably already aware, it is extremely important for businesses these days to have access to credit card services. As a merchant in the modern world of business, you will come across credit cards, debit cards, and gift cards with credit card labels. You need to be able…

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Credit Card

Credit Card Payment Processing

Credit card payment processing is critical for any business these days. For a business owner such as yourself… can your business afford to not have the power to accept credit cards? “What is credit card payment processing?” you ask. It is exactly what it spells out. It’s a service which…

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EMV Payment Systems

The term “EMV Payment Systems” might not be familiar to you. Don’t worry, it isn’t for most people yet. EMV is the label used for a new form of smart card just being introduced in the United States. But the U.S. is way behind the rest of the globe. In…

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ISO Agent Program

Partner With The Best.

The world of payments is rapidly changing in front of our eyes. Massive consolidation is happening at a record pace, and this will inevitably impact your business as a merchant services agent.