
Sharing thoughts, facts, ideas, and best practices for business owners of all kinds.


Online Payment Systems

Why are online payment systems needed for business? Firstly: If you’re in business—you need to have an online presence, one way or another. Period. In fact, experts are suggesting that businesses should seriously consider focusing some investments for online endeavors, or otherwise face the consequences (and they’re not good). Think…

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Payment Gateways

Payment gateways are a vital portion of the online payment process. While not a term the layperson is familiar with, if you own an online business or one who takes orders over the Internet, chances are good you probably have heard the term before. In fact, you really need to…

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Payment Gateway Comparison

The best way to set your online business up for success is by shopping around for the best processing service and, while you’re at it, doing a payment gateway comparison. There are a lot of payment processing services which also include a payment gateway. But you don’t necessarily have…

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Online Payment Processing

If your online business can’t perform online payment processing of credit cards and other forms of payments, unfortunately your online business is not set up to succeed. Online retailers would not exist the way they do today if it weren’t for their ability to process online payments. Considering the majority…

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Online Payment Services

If you do any or all of your business online, online payment services is exactly what you need. It’s a digital frontier out there! Your customers shop online… a lot. How are they able to shop online? Because the businesses and companies they buy from are equipped with software that…

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Online Credit Card Processing

Any smart E-commerce business owner knows that online credit card processing is absolutely paramount for the success of any online merchant. There simply isn’t any other way around it. In order for people that come to your website or online storefront to purchase all the wonderful items or services you…

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Online Payment Gateway

Once you find a credit card processor or open a merchant account, you have the option to be equipped with an online payment gateway. A payment gateway is the virtual device through which credit and debit card payments are securely passed and authorized. It can also authorize a host of…

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Free Payment Gateway

Every small business owner understands how expensive the services required to manage your business can be, which is why when something like a free payment gateway is offered, most business owners perk up! Heck, anything being offered as “free” to a small business is something to get excited about. Unfortunately,…

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Payment Gateway Services

There comes a time with every online business owner where you must decide who offers the best payment gateway services for your business. Meaning, which company will allow you to accept credit cards over an Internet connection, without the card present, with ease of use and low fees? And when…

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Best Payment Gateway

When it comes to determining the best payment gateway for your business, consistency and transparency are very important. As you are probably aware of by now, the pricing scheme for payment gateways can vary significantly from one service to the next. The best thing to look for is a…

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ISO Agent Program

Partner With The Best.

The world of payments is rapidly changing in front of our eyes. Massive consolidation is happening at a record pace, and this will inevitably impact your business as a merchant services agent.