
Sharing thoughts, facts, ideas, and best practices for business owners of all kinds.

Customer Loyalty

Loyalty Program Definition

Loyalty program definition: What is it really? And why do you need to have such programs for your business? It’s very simple: Loyalty programs are about customer retention. Now, you might be thinking that this concept is too simple—and you’re double guessing its importance to your business. Please…

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PCI DSS Compliance

Do you know what PCI DSS Compliance means? If not, don’t worry. Many business owners don’t know a lot about it, as well. However, let me tell you now: With the business landscape we have at this moment—PCI Compliance is something that we business owners should have a deeper understanding…

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Point-of-Sale – POS Software

Wondering what POS software is? Well, let me tell me you now: Point Of Sale software is not as technical nor as complicated as you may think… This software is a very important tool, most especially with this ever changing world of business nowadays. Yes, if you are in business,…

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PCI Compliance

If you are in business, PCI compliance can either make or break your game. Yes—it’s that important. Why? Well, primarily because if you don’t comply with this requirement, you might end up losing money. A lot of money. Now, tell me frankly: Have you ever heard what PCI compliance is…

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Credit Card

Credit Card Processing Companies

Why do businesses need credit card processing companies? If that’s a question you keep asking yourself, here’s the answer: Credit card fraud. Yes, in business, credit card fraud is a real thing—and it’s not pretty. In fact, if left unattended, it may even cost you your business. How? Well, according…

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Credit Card

Credit Card Processing Fees

Credit card processing fees can be a pain—most especially if you don’t have the right kind of help. In fact, they may even cost an arm and a leg, if you’re not careful about it. But let’s face it: Businesses need to have a way of accommodating credit card payments.

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Online Payment Systems

Why are online payment systems needed for business? Firstly: If you’re in business—you need to have an online presence, one way or another. Period. In fact, experts are suggesting that businesses should seriously consider focusing some investments for online endeavors, or otherwise face the consequences (and they’re not good). Think…

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Credit Card

Best Credit Card Processing Company

Are you looking for the best credit card processing systems today? If so, then good for you! After all, as a business—you need to strive to have the best, in order to deliver the best services. Your customers and clients deserve nothing less. Currently, credit cards have become one of…

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Affinity Consulting

Most business owners have more on their plate than they can handle most days, but affinity consulting is here to help alleviate some of that workload for you! For those of you reading this who are a small business owner and have no idea what “affinity consulting” is, that’s ok.

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Affinity Consultants

There are no shortages of options when it comes to affinity groups, but without the help of affinity consultants, you may end up with what seems like a match made in heaven, but in reality it is your biggest business nightmare! Affinity groups and organizations come in many different forms…

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Credit Card

Ecommerce Credit Card Processing

Do you want to know more about how you can use ecommerce credit card processing to make your business more updated—and profitable? Let’s discuss… Business is about adapting to change. It’s about making sure that you are able to cater to the different needs and wants of your market. Look…

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Inventory Control

Inventory Control Software

Having an inventory control software is important simply because it is more reliable. That’s a fact. Think about it: Do you really want to take all that time to manually count each and every piece of product that comes and goes from your store? We all know time is gold…

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ISO Agent Program

Partner With The Best.

The world of payments is rapidly changing in front of our eyes. Massive consolidation is happening at a record pace, and this will inevitably impact your business as a merchant services agent.