
Sharing thoughts, facts, ideas, and best practices for business owners of all kinds.


Non-profit Partnership

“It’s not personal, it’s business.” Most everyone has heard this expression, right? Non-profit partnerships like to flirt with this distinction. If they had their own saying it would be more like, “It’s always personal, with some business mixed in.” Most non-profit organizations start when people sharing one goal join together.

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EMV Terminal

Have you ever heard the term EMV terminal before? It’s not a trick question, and don’t feel bad if your answer is “no.” Simply put, it’s a credit card processing machine for our new, more secure EMV credit and debit cards. EMV is the label of a new form…

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Customer Loyalty

Rewards Programs

You’ve probably heard of rewards programs before. Your local coffee shop has one. Your grocery store has one. Maybe your local BBQ joint has one. As a member of a rewards program, you receive special discounts and points towards future purchases as reward for your continued patronage. Each program has…

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Affinity Partners

Affinity Partners can help your business make more money and spread awareness about your brand, products, and services. Likewise, you help your partners do the same. The relationship is a two-way street, mutually beneficial to each party. Let me explain… When you form an affinity partnership with another business or…

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Affinity Partnerships

Affinity partnerships two or more organizations or groups working together around a common interest or cause for mutual benefit. Often, this mutual benefit extends beyond the partnership itself and helps the community as well. If you’re thinking about whether or not to join or start a partnership, there are a…

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Affinity Marketing

Affinity marketing is the practice of expanding a business’ consumer base through a partnership with other businesses or organizations around mutual interests. Business owners such as yourself understand how important marketing is for your company. When done correctly through the right venues, it can be especially advantageous for your business.

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Affinity Meaning

What does “Affinity” mean? Affinity, meaning “a spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something,” is the feeling you have for the fellow fans of your favorite team. Well, it works in business, too. Affinity, in the world of business, refers to an organization or group of people…

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Cash Register

Cash Drawer

You’ve seen them, haven’t you? Every time you go to the grocery store or the gas station you see a cash drawer. Even those little hot-dog carts sometimes have them. Cash drawers: they are arguably the most important feature on a cash register. Almost every business out there has…

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Chip and PIN

Chip and PIN is another name for your new EMV compliant credit card. There are many names for this new type of card: Smart card EMV card Chip card IC card No matter what you call your card, though, it has a tiny computer chip embedded in the front of…

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EMV Chip

EMV is an acronym for the 3 companies who came up with smart card security standards: Europay, MasterCard, and Visa. The EMV Chip standard they came up with is a set of guidelines for chip and PIN payment cards. (Read about that standard here.) In essence, EMV makes your…

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EMV Technology

For years we’ve been accustomed to our credit cards’ traditional technology here in the US. But this technology isn’t as high-tech as it used to be. Enter EMV technology, which adds a new layer of safety on our daily credit card transactions. The little magnetic stripe on the back of credit…

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Business Software

Small Business Software

Small business software allows you to automate and streamline several aspects of your business. The result of this is more time on your hands, plugging up money leakage in areas such as employee theft, inventory, and taxes. There are a lot of intimidating obstacles a new business faces when trying…

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ISO Agent Program

Partner With The Best.

The world of payments is rapidly changing in front of our eyes. Massive consolidation is happening at a record pace, and this will inevitably impact your business as a merchant services agent.